QuickStart Clarinet Blog

Rhythm Faker to True Rhythm Master

rhythm Apr 16, 2024

It’s time to complete your evolution!


 I hope that you have enjoyed my rhythm tips and exercises over the past few posts, and have a better understanding of the difference between faking rhythm and truly mastering it.


I also hope that this is just the beginning of your...

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Learning to Love the Dreaded Metronome

rhythm Apr 15, 2024

You’ve surely been told to practice with a metronome before (like in yesterday's blog!), and I bet you have tried several times but got frustrated feeling like it was doing more harm than good, which over time led to dreading that distracting click.


But what if we could learn to love...

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Nail Your Next Concert with Better Rhythm

rhythm Apr 12, 2024

If you’re a Rhythm Faker, then I bet your practice often looks like pulling up a piece you struggled with in rehearsal and running through some bits trying to get your fingers familiar with the notes.


Maybe going slow (and out of time) so you can hit the notes, or trying to play up...

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Unlearning the Fake Rhythm Trap

rhythm Apr 11, 2024

In my last blog, you learned that you may have been taught rhythm wrong, by starting with reading note values without the context of hearing it or feeling how it connects to the beat.


That’s why the metronome is so frustrating! It totally throws off your sense of note values by ...

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You Can Countā€¦Until the Metronome Starts Ticking

rhythm Apr 10, 2024

According to Music Learning Theory, we should learn music the same way we would learn any native language, by hearing it first, then speaking, then reading and writing.


That’s why you are able to get the rhythm if you hear it first or are following along with the people around you...

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Are You a Rhythm Faker?

rhythm Apr 09, 2024

If you…

  • Can’t play something until you hear it
  • Follow rather than lead when playing with others
  • Get lost or fall behind in rehearsal
  • Can write in counting, but can’t confidently execute it
  • Absolutely loathe the metronome


Then you are likely what I call a Rhythm Faker!

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Competition Lessons: How to be a Winner

mindset Jun 09, 2021

I recently submitted an entry to the International Clarinet Association's Young Artist Competition. I have no idea how competitive my recordings were, but I know I was not in the top 3. Even though I didn't win, I learned some valuable lessons on what it takes to win that I think are worth...

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Live Weekly Warm-Up

resources Jul 09, 2020

After talking about the ICA video on warm-ups, it made me want to share another exciting warm-up resource that I do.

Each Monday morning (central time morning), I go live on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram to go over a warm-up exercise, and challenge my viewers to do it as well and see what they...

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International Clarinet Association Free Videos!

resources Jul 02, 2020

Though COVID-19 and recent times have been incredibly difficult for so many people, and everything is being cancelled, one silver lining is all of the wonderful virtual festivals that have been popping up!

Just this last weekend, the largest clarinet festival, the International Clarinet...

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Chat with Me? Maro Polo Experts

announcements Jun 25, 2020
Have you ever been practicing and thought of a question for your teacher and then forgot to ask it in your next lesson?
What if you could just ask your question right when it comes up while you are practicing?
I was looking for a way to help the members of my Monthly Masterclass...
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I can't wait to see where your clarinet journey takes you!